Trans-Genre Anthology Series
Viz. Inter-Arts publishes work that explores the relationship between the arts.
We are currently inviting submissions for our second issue, with the theme of Interventions.
We seek submissions that elaborate on this theme, or that document, muse on, or are interventions themselves. The treatment of this theme is entirely up to you. Please read submission guidelines and e-mail work or queries to the editor, Roxi Power Hamilton by September 15, 2010 (though we would very much appreciate earlier submissions): viz@ucsc.edu.
We are especially interested in work that breaks down barriers between genres (poetry, prose, performance, visual, music, dance) and/or that breaks down barriers between art and life, artist and audience, publics and privates. Such art is often collaborative, conceptual, or has a collage aesthetic. Though interventionist art today often enters directly into the political or social situation rather than merely representing it, your submission need not be political, perse. We are interested in work that simply makes “genre interventions” as well. Please browse our first edition, Viz. Inter-Arts EVENT–winner of an Independent Publishing Award (IPPY) in 2008—to get a feel for our aesthetic.
Contemporary artists, such as Linda Montano and the YES Men have blown the field wide open, and we are excited to collaborate with cutting-edge interventionists in our special insert that will document the historic 2008 University of California, Santa Cruz conference, Intervene! Interrupt! Rethinking Art as Social Practice.