Viz. Inter-Arts welcomes work in most media and genres including but not limited to poetry, prose, visuals, performance-writing, essays, videos or any combination thereof. We plan to include a collection of short inter-arts videos. We are especially interested in trans-genre work and intermedia, including but not limited to prose poetry, visual-text, collage, etc.
Please familiarize yourself with our current theme, “Interventions,” and Mission, then browse our Archive to become acquainted with the publication before submitting work.
E-mail inquiries and work to the editor:
Subject: Viz.
Submissions due: September 15, 2010 (though we would very much appreciate earlier submissions).
Payment: One copy to primary contributor(s).
Please send a follow-up e-mail within a few weeks to ensure your work has been received.
Though rare, “junk mail” has been known to perform unwanted interventions!
Videos: We are seeking short inter-arts videos relating to the theme of Interventions.
Please send DVD to address below and query editor with any questions.
If you are submitting a video, or if your work cannot be e-mailed, please mail to
Roxi Power Hamilton, Editor
Viz. Inter-Arts
Kresge College, 1156 High Street
University of California
Santa Cruz, CA. 95064
Please include a brief cover letter and a SASE if you want your material returned.
Send previously unpublished work unless you are able to secure permission from your previous publisher to republish. Simultaneous submissions are ok if you inform us.
Text: E-mail Word attachments preferred. Length: approximately 2-10 pages, though decisions will be made on an individual basis.
Images: Black and white preferred. E-mail low-res digital files (.jpg or .gif) to viz@ucsc.edu. High resolution files will be requested if accepted for publication: 300 dpi files and under 1mb per image uncompressed. Images should be sent in .jpg, .tiff, or .eps format. If your .eps image includes type, please ensure that all fonts are included and outlined.